Composition Matters is a transformative initiative that reveals the secret of harmony. The platform investigates awareness of composition as the fundamental factor in perceiving beauty in art. The interdisciplinary research was led by Iwo Zaniewski, a painter and creative director, and Professor Piotr Francuz, an acclaimed cognitive psychologist and scientist. The main area of research, which began in 2018, was centred around paintings and resulted in a theory of harmony alongside a mathematical formula that illustrates it. To focus purely on the visual impact, the Composition Matters team decided not to analyse the content, narrative or messages of the reviewed artworks.

To read more about Iwo Zaniewski, please visit

All artworks featured on the Composition Matters website were the subject of review and scientific research. As such, they were used by the researchers on the basis of the right of quotation, in line with the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works.